Seks løbere i skoven på en af Kystlandets vandre- og løberuter

Staying fit in the Coastal Land

Photo: Destination Kystlandet

There are plenty of options to stay fit while vacationing in the Coastal Land. 

Fitness and sports


Set your own pace and find routes for running or hiking on our Google Map.

Choose "Short routes > 10 K" (Kortere ruter) or "Long routes +10 K" (Længere vandreruter) on the left side of the map.

More sports in the Coastal Land

[DELETED] Padel1 Odder
[DELETED] Padel1 Odder
Endelave Active Island (Aktiv Ø)
Endelave Active Island (Aktiv Ø)
AC Horsens
AC Horsens
Forum Horsens and Nordstern Arena
Forum Horsens and Nordstern Arena